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Urban Garden Nudist woman comes to life HOT STORY coming soon

written by: Jameel Muhammad Ali


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Friday June 21, 2019 6:09 Pm For those reading this please print out and share this information at Universities , city colleges , corporate offices and the work place. Share this with your friends and family. It's not the victim that needs the most education on the subject of contract stalking but those around the victim. Jameel Rawls It was mid summer of 2015 and I had no idea what gang stalking was. all of my neighbors were playing a roll at the time. I was in the confusion stage. I imagine there were several disinformation campaigns going around the neighborhood at that time to discredit my reputation. The local police of course were involved in the fiasco but they were not in control of the situation. This occurred in the Lauren Drive neighborhood In the City if Norton Shores, Michigan USA. My neighbors varied from police officer to corrections officer to navy recruiter to freemason. I was clearly at a disadvantage. I was merely a researcher who spent most of my time res

JIM JONES BODY DOUBLES Jameel Muhammad Ali READ DIS NIGGA: Free Jakari Wilson a true hero who unfortunately is in the California penitentiary He was a proud member of the Peoples Temple and  was a child resident of Jonestown and a victim of the U.S. Governments injustice and lies. The trauma and pain and embarrassment this man has endured is unconscionable. I doubt I would of made it in his foot steps and came out as clean as him if I came out at all. He's a national treasu